"The Grid
Pendant" ( the Christ Consciousness Grid ): |
This pendant is made from a combination of
geometric shapes- the dodecahedron (a
shape made of 12 five sided facets) and
the icosahedrons
(a shape made of 20 triangles). These
shapes are two out of five shapes known as
the Platonic Solids or the Perfect
Bodies. These are the only
existing shapes whose vertexes perfectly
match the inside surface of a sphere.
These shapes were considered holy by many
They were considered the building blocks
of the universe (there is truth in that
because these
Article source can be found here: Christ Grid
shapes and their combinations encompass
all existing molecular shapes
For instance).
The structure of this pendant creates the
third level consciousness grid of the
human race; which is an electro magnetic
field that surrounds planet Earth
And unites the human consciousness.
The concept of the grid is not new and
Plato in Ancient Greece described the
Earth as a huge dodecahedron.
In fact every life form and every species
upon this planet has it's own grid.
The existence of the grid was
re-discovered in the 1950's.
A group of scientists were investigating a
group of monkeys (Macaca Fuscata) in one
of the islands of Japan. The Japanese
macaque has been and continues to be a
popular species for the study of primate
behavior. Since the 1940's and 1950's,
there has been much interest in the
ecology and social behavior of these
monkeys. One reason for this is that
researchers have not only been able to
study Japanese macaques in their natural
habitat, but they have also been able to
lure the macaques out into the open with
food. Provisioning of Japanese macaques
with food has led to special developments
and fascinating observation of their
"culture." One famous example of this is
potato washing in a troop of Japanese
macaques in Koshima, Japan.
researchers provisioned a troop of
Japanese macaques by putting sweet
along the beach to bring them out into the
open, one macaque named Imo by the
researchers began to wash the sand off of
her sweet potatoes in the water instead of
brushing it off with her hand as other
macaques did.
Over time, this behavior
spread to other members of the troop and
was passed on from generation to
generation. Interestingly, this potato
washing behavior became even more modified
as Japanese macaques began washing their
sweet potatoes in salt water rather than
fresh water, apparently to enhance its
In the original reports, there was no
mention of the group passing a critical
threshold that resulted in the idea being
imparted to the entire troop. The older
monkeys remained steadfastly ignorant of
the new behavior. Likewise, there was no
mention of widespread sweet potato washing
in other monkey troops. There was mention
of occasional sweet potato washing by
individual monkeys in other troops, but
there are other simpler explanations for
such occurrences -- if there was an Imo in
one troop, there could be Imo-like monkeys
in other troops.
However the idea of collective human
consciousness is wide spread these days
and here is an underlying principles
relate to chromosomes and Jungian theory.
Some of the ideas behind this theory are based on
the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizadek.
Here's a snip of an interview with him
(Leading Edge, 12/95): "There are three
totally different kinds of humans on the
Earth, meaning that they perceive the One
reality in three different ways,
interpreted differently. The first kind of
human has a chromosome composition of
42+2. They comprise a unity consciousness
that does not see anything outside
themselves as being separate from
themselves. To them, there is only one
energy - one life, one "being-ness" that
moves everywhere. Anything happening
anywhere is within them, as well. They are
like cells in the body. They are all
connected to a single consciousness that
moves through all of them. These are the
aboriginals in Australia. There might be a
few African tribes left like this. Then,
there is our level, comprising 44+2 chromosomes.
We are a
disharmonic level of consciousness that is
used as a steppingstone from the 42+2
level to the next level, 46+2...These two
additional chromosomes change everything."
According to Drunvalo the the grid of the
third level was destroyed some 13,000
years ago.
However the Grid was reconstructed by the
hidden sects of the ascended Atlantean
masters, a process that came to it's end
in 1989 when the
Grid was completely reconstructed.
In the last Olympic Games that took place
in Sidney ,Australia ,on the closing
ceremony the whole stage came out of the
ground And took the shape of a huge
dodecahedron with all the different
competitors from the different nations
standing around it With the aboriginals as
The Grid is the Akashic library of this
planet. It allows access to any
information about everything that ever
took place upon earth.
It also allows us to know future
events. And that is the reason so many "channelers"
have appeared since 1989.
In the Jewish tradition there are the 72
sacred names of God. By taking the middle
sentence of the holy Torah and dividing it
to Thirds you'll end up with 72 names
which are constructed of three letters.
Some of these names are similar to the
definitions or names of the One God
through out the different cultures ( such
as Aum or Alla ).
Since God has no name or definition there
has to be another explanation for this
If you'll take a look at the shape of this
pendant which represent the unite
consciousness of humanity, the Christ
Consciousness Grid You'll discover that it
is made out of 72 facets...
This pendant radiates a very high and
subtle vibration and has excellent healing