knot": |
This pendant is called a Torus knot. It
can be made on a torus tube which looks
like a donut or a sphere that turns in
from one side and comes out the other in a
perpetual motion. The Torus Tube contains
many mathematical formulas and equations.
Science began using this model as a
geometric\mathematical model of the
universe. Sacred geometry an ancient
teaching mystery schools that stressed the
one force or consciousness behind
existence through the laws of geometry
made extensive use of this shape. Even the
human embryo has a Torus shape during its
first stages of existence. According to
ancient teachings in the beginning there
was a great void. This void is the
creator, with no body shape or definition.
creation requires a definition of space
(as well as direction as seen in the
Genesis pendant explanation). The torus
tube provides this kind of definition by
using the inside, the outside, and
infinity. In that way it can be used as a
philosophical model of creation itself.
The Torus Knot in this pendant is the
simplest of all Torus knots. the shape
also represents the idea of THE ONE and
ONLY GOD and the holy trinity relation
which comes from the one GOD and exists in
everything (positive, negative and neutral
for example). The word "one" in Hebrew, "ECHAD"
as well as the word "love" ("AHAVA" in
Hebrew), has a numerological value of 13
and the number 13 contains the one and the
three. many people claim they had dreams
in which they were able to solve difficult
"karmatic" personal relations or situations
during the daytime after wearing the
pendant. the reason for this might be that
the pendant symbolists the idea of unity
which binds everything into one.

"Mystery in Mystery, yet clear to the
Light-born, the Secret of all I now will
I will declare a secret to the initiated,
but let the door be wholly shut against
the profane.
Three is the mystery, come from the great
Hear, and Light on thee will dawn.
In the primeval, dwell three unities.
Other than these, none can exist.
These are the equilibrium, source of
creation: one God, one Truth, one point of
Three come forth from the three of the
balance: all life, all good, all power.
Three are the qualities of God in his
Light-home: Infinite power, Infinite
Wisdom, Infinite Love.
Three are the powers given to the Masters:
To transmute evil, assist good, use
Three are the things inevitable for God to
perform: Manifest power, wisdom and love.
Three are the powers creating all things:
Divine Love possessed of perfect
Divine Wisdom knowing all possible means,
Divine Power possessed by the joint will
of Divine Love and Wisdom.
Three are the circles (states) of
existence: The circle of Light where
dwells nothing but God, and only God can
traverse it the circle of Chaos where all
things by nature arise from death the
Circle of awareness where all things
spring from life.
All things animate are of three states of
existence: chaos or death, liberty in
humanity and felicity of Heaven.
Three necessities control all things:
beginning in the Great Deep, the circle of
chaos, plenitude in Heaven.
Three are the paths of the Soul: Man,
Liberty, Light.
Three are the hindrances: lack of endeavor
to obtain knowledge; non-attachment to
god; attachment to evil. In man, the three
are manifest.
Three are the Kings of power within. Three
are the chambers of the mysteries, found
yet not found in the body of man."
Article source can be found here: Gordian Knot (Torus Tube)